Thousands of Uses!
Check out our amazing products in action!
Kovereez are a strong, waterproof, durable cover with a sewn in shock cord for a snug fit. These protective covers are available in 4 sizes to fit most any object. Remodeling project? Use Kovereez to protect your furniture from dust and paint! Outdoors? Kovereez is waterproof, keeping your patio furniture dry and eliminating fading. Contact us Today for more information!
Small Oval

Fits up to 44″ – 84″. No tie downs needed! Fantastic for grills, smokers, small pools and much, much more! Buy Now on Rooster Supply!

Fits up to 36″ round, 36″ x 36″ square. Protects from dirt and dust. Great for patio, deck, or outdoor furniture of any sort. Buy Now on Rooster Supply!
Extra Large

Fits up to 48″ round, 44″ x 44″ square. Re-usable, so its eco-friendly! Ideal for large appliances such as lawn tractors, snow-blowers and small trailers. Buy Now on Rooster Supply!

Fits up to 64″ round, 58″ x 58″ square. A true multi-use cover, great for bulky items such as small boats, cars and other large items. Buy Now on Rooster Supply!